You have your goal set. The commitment to your goal has been made. A plan to get started is in place. Now, it’s time to execute. That’s the 4th ingredient: Execution.

It really doesn’t matter what your goal is, how committed you are to it, or what kind of plan you have made. Without execution, all that is void. Nothing mare than blown smoke. Thomas Edison said, “Vision without execution is hallucination.”

During the execution phase, you are going to have to remind yourself of your commitment from time-to-time. There are going to be days that you don’t “feel” like doing your cardio. Times that you will find yourself in situations of temptation with “wrong” foods. Moments like these are when you just focus on your plan and execute.

Again, sacrifices will have to be made. If your plan calls for cardio and/or weight training on a particular day; do it. Whatever your meal plan is; stick to it. Focus and execute your plan. If you “fall off the wagon”; jump right back on.

training shante